
unusual facts about Bayonetta


Bayonetta 2

Shortly after the release of Bayonetta Hideki Kamiya discussed with Yusuke Hashimoto ideas for a sequels and spin-off games from the title.

In response, Atsushi Inaba, a Producer at Platinum Games, said Bayonetta 2 would not exist if Nintendo had not partnered with Platinum Games to make the game.

Devil May Cry 4

The series' original creator, Hideki Kamiya, said he used this game as a research when developing Bayonetta, an action game that would use a similar style from the Devil May Cry series that borrowed elements from the Devil May Cry series.

Stephanie Sheh

Beyond using her voice, Stephanie was flown by plane to Japan to voice and motion capture the role of Cereza in Sega's video game Bayonetta.

Sheh has had protagonist voice-over roles in several video games, including Finnel in Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel, Cereza in Bayonetta, Mlle Blanche de Grace in Bioshock 2 and Orihime Inoue in the Bleach (series)

see also