
2 unusual facts about Be'er Ya'akov

Rishon LeZion HaRishonim Railway Station

Egged bus lines 164 and 201 and Superbus bus line 247 pass along route 412 between Rishon LeZion city center and Ness Ziona and stop at the station entrance (Superbus line 247 also continues to Be'er Ya'akov).


The area of the base will open to civilian development, and will be divided between the municipalities of Rishon LeZion and Be'er Ya'akov.

Ashdot Ya'akov

It was named after the rapids of the nearby Yarmouk River and James "Ya'akov" Armand de Rothschild.

Israeli coastal plain

The Sharon plain is the next stage down the Coastal Plain, running from Zikhron Ya'akov to Tel Aviv's Yarkon River.

Jacques Chapiro

Jacques (Ya'akov) Chapiro (1887–1972), a Jewish painter of the School of Paris, was born in Dinaburg, Russian Empire (now Daugavpils, Latvia) and died in Paris in 1972.

Jewish business ethics

The Admor of Belz, Rabbi Aharon Rokeach, in discussing the angels descending and ascending on the ladder seen in the dream of Ya'akov, notes that the gematria value of sulam, ladder, is equivalent to that of kesef, money.


His father, the late Yossi, was an actor and singer, as are uncles Gabri and Ya'akov, along with many of Yuval's cousins.

Yeshivat Ma'alot

The Yeshiva is named after Rabbi Dr. Ya'akov Herzog, son of the late Chief Rabbi of Israel Yitzhak HaLevi Herzog and brother of the late President of Israel Chaim Herzog.

see also