
unusual facts about Bečej


Novi Bečej |

Đurađ Branković

The prince fled to the Kingdom of Hungary where he had large estates, which included Zemun, Slankamen, Kupinik, Mitrovica, Stari Bečej, Kulpin, Čurug, Sveti Petar, Perlek, Peser, Petrovo Selo, Bečej, Arač, Veliki Bečkerek, Vršac, etc.

Tourism in Vojvodina

Main agricultural hunting grounds in Vojvodina are located near Bečej, Senta, Kanjiža, Novi Kneževac, Ečka, Novo Miloševo, Padej, Kikinda, Ada, and Sombor.

Uprising in Banat

For a short time, the Serb rebels captured several cities in Banat, including Vršac, Bečkerek, and Lipova, as well as Titel and Bečej in Bačka.

see also