
3 unusual facts about Belgians

Flower in the Gun Barrel

The colonization of Rwanda, first by the Germans and then by the Belgians, led to conditions wherein the citizens of Rwanda were intentionally pitted against one another.

Germaine Kieckens

Germaine Kieckens (1906 – October 26, 1995) was a Belgian secretary, the first wife of the Belgian cartoonist Hergé, to whom she was married from 1932 to 1977.

Pascal Godefroit

Pascal Godefroit is a Belgian paleontologist.


Belgians |

10me Escadrille de Chasse

An overwhelming invasion by the German army left Belgium partially occupied by the end of 1914, with its preserved territory shielded by deliberate defensive flooding at Nieuwpoort by the Belgians.

2003 Baghdad DHL attempted shootdown incident

The aircraft took off from Baghdad International Airport en route to Bahrain International Airport at 06:30 UTC with an experienced crew of three: two Belgians, 38-year-old Captain Eric Genotte and 29-year-old First Officer Steeve Michielsen, and a Briton, 54-year-old flight engineer Mario Rofail.


In the French comic Asterix in the album Asterix in Belgium, Asterix, Obelix, Dogmatix and Vitalstatistix go to Belgium because they are angry with Caesar about his remark that the Belgians are the bravest of all the Gauls.

Belgian horse

Importation of Belgians to the USA ended in bulk after the beginning of the Second World War with Erwin F. Dygert transporting the last Belgians out of Europe as the war was beginning.

Belgian Resistance

In total, 1,612 Belgians have been awarded the distinction of "Righteous Among the Nations" by the State of Israel for risking their lives to save Jews from persecution during the occupation.

Belgian United Nations Command

Over 2000 Belgians volunteered for service in B.U.N.C. Of these, initially only 700 were selected for training at Leopoldsburg.

Brussels Philharmonic Orchestra

Many of these include pieces written by Belgians: Dirk Brossé, François Glorieux, Jacques Leduc, Frédéric van Rossum, Didier Van Damme, Jan Van der Roost, Frédéric Devreese, Robert Janssens, Max Vandermaesbrugge, August De Boeck and Marcel Poot.

Commission for Relief in Belgium

Many influential British policymakers, notably Lord Kitchener and Winston Churchill, felt that Germany needed to either feed the Belgians themselves or deal with the resulting starvation riots right behind their lines, and that international help to relieve that pressure was helping the Germans and thereby lengthening the war.


The League of Nations Mandate of 1916 appointed Belgium to govern Rwanda after Germany's defeat in World War I; Philip Gourevitch claims that “the terms Hutu and Tutsi had become clearly defined opposing “ethnic” identities, and the Belgians made this polarization the cornerstone of their colonial policy.


Arthur Conan Doyle noted in his book The Crime of the Congo that slavery and ivory poaching continued well after the Belgians had assumed power.

Joseph Jaquet

In l879, Joseph Jaquet designed a statue of Louise of Orléans, first Queen of the Belgians: this statue was on the Place d'Armes in Philippeville then was moved to the old École moyenne, Namur street.

King Leopold

Leopold II of Belgium (1835–1909), second king of the Belgians and founder and owner of the Congo Free State

Léon Schots

Despite missing the Olympics, he returned in top form in the next year and won the gold medal at the 1977 IAAF World Cross Country Championships, leading the Belgians to the team title in the process.

Luapula Province border dispute

Following the 1889 Berlin conference and the ensuing Scramble for Africa by European powers, there was considerable interest by the Belgians, the Germans and the British in Southern and Central Africa to secure the area that covered the 4 Great Lakes namely, Lake Nyasa, Lake Mweru, Lake Tanganyika and Lake Victoria.

Marino Basso

He was one of the main sprinters of 1970s, often duelling with Belgians Patrick Sercu, Guido Reybroeck and Roger de Vlaeminck, and fellow Italian Dino Zandegù.

Robert Rothschild

After the independence of the Congo from Belgium in 1960, Katanga, the richest of the six provinces of the Belgian Congo seceded on 11 July, and the Belgians decided to move to Elisabethville (now Lubumbashi) in Katanga.

Royal Palace of Laeken

It should not be confused with the Royal Palace of Brussels, located in central Brussels, which is the official palace (not residence) of the King of the Belgians and from which affairs of state are handled.


He died around 1870, at a time of civil strife and internecine warfare among the Songora, who at the time were also faced with repeated invasions from the states of Nyoro and Nkore, as well as from the Belgians, the Germans and the British.

The Military Philosophers

Jenkins is living in a flat in Chelsea in early 1943 and is promoted in his liaison duties to supervising the Belgians and Czechs.

see also