Beliefnet editor Jennifer Jones was interviewed in a USA Today article on how readers give thanks at Thanksgiving.
Beliefnet is a website providing information about various faiths in addition to feature editorial around the topics of inspiration, spirituality, health, wellness, love and family, news and entertainment.
Also featured are stories, quizzes and other tips and resources related to inspiration, health and wellness, love and family, news and entertainment.
He writes the "Windows and Doors" blog for Beliefnet, where he is featured as a "Preacher and Teacher."
According to Beliefnet, the two divorcees are expected to exchange requests and acceptances of forgiveness for supposed infractions which damaged confidence in the relationship.
Previously, Waldman was the Editor-in-Chief, President, and co-founder of Beliefnet, a multi-faith spirituality website.
This article, which profiles the Church during its transition following the death of its founder, was later republished by Beliefnet, a website owned by News Corp.
It is not known who was the first to set up an online prayer circle, but today there are dozens, if not hundreds, of Web sites set up for these purposes, from large-scale sites run by The American Bible Society and Beliefnet to smaller message boards run by community churches.
She has published extensively in other journals, including Books & Culture, The Christian Century, and