
5 unusual facts about Belinda Stronach

Canadian federal election results in Central Ontario

In 2006, Liberal support in this region melted; the only non-Conservative elected in this region was Belinda Stronach, a former Conservative who crossed the floor in 2005.

Gary Schellenberger

Schellenberger joined this new party, and supported Belinda Stronach in her unsuccessful campaign to become party leader.

Humanitarian response by for-profit organisations to the 2010 Haiti earthquake

First Air, along with the Belinda Stronach Foundation, has donated 2 Lockheed L-382 Hercules aircraft as well as a Boeing 767-200 'Super Freighter' to carry out rescue and relief missions.

Spread the Net

It was co-founded by Rick Mercer, a Canadian satirist, and Belinda Stronach, a former Canadian Member of Parliament and philanthropist.

Tie Domi

In the mid-1990s, Domi was romantically linked to Canadian Member of Parliament Belinda Stronach.

David Scrymgeour

Mr. Scrymgeour has engaged as an advisor, donor and board member for organizations including the Belinda Stronach Foundation, Canadian Executive Service Organization, Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust, Anglican Church of Canada, the Make Poverty History Campaign and the Canadian Lung Association.

Nina Grewal

The Liberals were concerned to save the government during the vote of confidence and had also contacted MPs Chuck Cadman, Inky Mark and Belinda Stronach who had actually crossed the floor and was made an instant minister.

see also