
unusual facts about Belle W. Baruch

Hobcaw Barony

Later, his eldest child, Belle W. Baruch began purchasing the property from her father beginning in 1936.

Arthur C. Morgan

His work is in private collections and public buildings such as Louisiana State University, Centenary College, the US Federal Court House at Alexandria, Louisiana and the US Capitol in Washington D.C. Through the span of his career Morgan had long-lasting friendships with Jules Bache, Bernard M. Baruch, Lincoln Borglum, Frances Elliott Clark and Jean Despujols.

Seder Olam Zutta

Zunz observed that the sentence quoted by R. Baruch and Moses of Coucy with regard to the year 804 C.E. (see above) might be the author's colophon—omitted by the copyist—showing the time of composition.

see also