
4 unusual facts about Baruch Spinoza

Opera Posthuma

Baruch Spinoza's Opera Posthuma comprise his works that were published posthumously in 1677, the year of Spinoza's death, by some of his closest friends.

Rebecca Goldstein

She has written five novels, a number of short stories and essays, and biographical studies of mathematician Kurt Gödel and philosopher Baruch Spinoza.

Thomas Hirschhorn

Gramsci Monument (2013), named after the Italian thinker Antonio Gramsci, is the first project that Hirschhorn has built in the United States and the fourth and final such work in a series he began many years ago dedicated to his favorite philosophers, following a monument dedicated to Baruch Spinoza in Amsterdam in 1999, one to Gilles Deleuze in Avignon, France, in 2000 and a third to Georges Bataille in Kassel, Germany, in 2002.

Wim Klever

Wilhelmus Nicolaas Antonius (Wim) Klever (born 1930, Snelrewaard) is an important Dutch expert on the philosophy of 17th century Jewish Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza.

Documentary hypothesis

Others, including Isaac de la Peyrère, Baruch Spinoza, Richard Simon, and John Hampden came to the same conclusion, but their works were condemned, several of them were imprisoned and forced to recant, and an attempt was made on Spinoza's life.

Robert S. Corrington

In order to effectively speak or theorize about nature, then, Corrington has picked up on “a distinction dear to Averroes, Thomas of Aquinas, Baruch Spinoza, and Ralph Waldo Emerson (among others)” between natura naturans nature naturing and natura naturata nature natured.

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