Parker is best known for his role as Haldir of Lórien in The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy, his performance of Bellerophon in Xena: Warrior Princess, and for playing Darken Rahl in Legend of the Seeker.
On the floor of one room was laid a large 4th-century mosaic depicting Bellerophon and the Chimera (illustrating good defeating evil) and a portrait bust that may be a depiction of Christ.
It tells the story of an English warship, HMS Bellerophon, which played an important part in many battles and held captive the defeated Napoleon following the Battle of Waterloo.
She was promised to Bellerophon after he vanquished the Chimera, the Amazons, and more tasks.
When Aegeus was empowered by Bellerophon to try to locate and destroy Paradise Island (and use its Purple Healing Ray to restore Bellerophon's sight), the terrorists plotted to kidnap Steve Trevor and force him to divulge the location of Paradise Island.