It is slated to be turned into a lake for the future Westside Park.
Penrhyn Quarry | Pamela Bellwood | Headington Quarry | Quarry Bank Mill | Peter Bellwood | Gurney Slade quarry | Walcott Quarry | ''Untitled'' (1961), sculpture by Auguste Cardenas in the area above the Roman quarry in Sankt Margarethen im Burgenland | Seneca Quarry | Rosemanowes Quarry | Public Quarry at Government Island | Penrhyn Quarry | Nelson's Ledges Quarry Park | Lulsgate Quarry | '''Lithiophilite''', well-defined crystals to 3 cm, stacked en echelon in matrix. Locality: Emmons Quarry, Uncle Tom Mtn. Greenwood, Maine | Jerry Quarry | Dry Mesa Quarry | Cann Quarry Canal | Bobby Quarry | Blumenberg (quarry) | Bellwood Quarry | Bellwood |
The northeastern boundary of Grove Park is the former Bellwood Quarry - site of the future Westside Park.