
unusual facts about Belyov

Aleksey Belevsky-Zhukovsky

The name was chosen from the village of Belyov in the province of Toula where his grandfather poet was born.


Belyov |

Aleksander Józef Lisowski

Lisowczycy broke contact with his forces, burned Belyov and Likhvin, took Peremyshl, turned north, defeated Muscovy army at Rzhev, turned to Kara Sea, then to Kashin, burned Torzhok, returned to Poland without any interference from Muscovite forces.


Lisowski's men broke contact with other forces, burned Belyov and Likhvin, took Peremyshl, turned north, defeated a Muscovite army at Rzhev, turned towards the Kara Sea coast, then to Kashin, burned Torzhok, returned to Commonwealth without any further contact with Muscovy forces.

see also