
unusual facts about Ben Burtt

Randy Thom

His second sound job would prove to be a strong turn in his career, as he assisted Ben Burtt in the Sound Effects Recording for Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.

Craig Barron

Since 2006, he has presented public screenings, often partnering with sound designer Ben Burtt, demonstrating the art of matte painting and VFX techniques of classic films such as Modern Times, The Rains Came, The Adventures of Robin Hood, and Gunga Din.

see also

Craig Barron

In A Bucket of Water and a Glass Matte, on the 2010 release of Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times, he and Ben Burtt demonstrate Chaplin's use of miniatures and sound effects in the film's factory and roller-skating scenes.

Ewok Celebration

"Ewok Celebration" was composed by John Williams, the lyrics in the Ewok language were written by ILM sound designer, Ben Burtt.