Sunshine (voiced by Billy West) is a green-skinned, shirtless humanoid creature with a thin, once-coiled tail and no apparent emotions, who has a monotone voice and demeanor very similar to the actor Ben Stein.
When Win Ben Stein's Money co-host Nancy Pimental left the show in 2002, Iacono replaced her, becoming Ben Stein's co-host and comic tormentor.
Drew's boss, Sam Schmaltz (played by Ben Stein), sets him the task of designing more bunnies to co-star in the Fluffy Fluffy Bun Bun Show by the next morning.
Ben Stein introduces the film as a long-lost film from the 1980s, so a lot of the jokes are now outdated in 2006.
Gertrude Stein | David Ben-Gurion | Ben Affleck | Ben Jonson | Ben Harper | Big Ben | Ben Kingsley | Ben Stiller | Ben Folds | Ben Hecht | Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | Ben Casey | Ben Bernanke | Ben-Hur | Ben E. King | Ben Webster | Ben Hogan | Ben Elton | Ben Weasel | Ben Folds Five | Ben Stein | Ben Shneiderman | Ben Mendelsohn | Ben Lee | Ben Johnston | Ben Crenshaw | Ben 10 | Ben | Ben T. Epps | Ben Sargent |
MacDonald has appeared on television with former presidential candidates, Congressmen and Senators, as well as notables such as Pat Buchanan, Ben Stein, Robert Reich, Art Laffer, Stephen Moore, Steve Forbes, energy expert Daniel Yergin, president of Cambridge Energy Research Associates, and Adam Posen, co-author with Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke and Frederic Mishkin of a book about inflation-targeting.
It stars Sally Field as an aging soap star, joined by Kevin Kline, Robert Downey, Jr., Elisabeth Shue, Whoopi Goldberg, Teri Hatcher, Cathy Moriarty, Garry Marshall, Kathy Najimy, and Carrie Fisher, as well as cameo appearances by TV personalities like Leeza Gibbons, John Tesh (both playing themselves as Entertainment Tonight hosts/reporters), real-life soap opera actors, Stephen Nichols and Finola Hughes and Ben Stein.