Winnebago Man is a 2009 American documentary feature film directed by Ben Steinbauer that follows the Internet phenomenon created by a series of twenty-year-old outtakes from a Winnebago sales video featuring profane outbursts from the salesperson, Jack Rebney.
David Ben-Gurion | Ben Affleck | Ben Jonson | Ben Harper | Big Ben | Ben Kingsley | Ben Stiller | Ben Folds | Ben Hecht | Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | Ben Casey | Ben Bernanke | Ben-Hur | Ben E. King | Ben Webster | Ben Hogan | Ben Elton | Ben Weasel | Ben Folds Five | Ben Stein | Ben Shneiderman | Ben Mendelsohn | Ben Lee | Ben Johnston | Ben Crenshaw | Ben 10 | Ben | Ben T. Epps | Ben Sargent | Ben Cross |