
4 unusual facts about Benedict Sestini

Benedict Sestini

He was stationed at Woodstock, Maryland, at the opening of the scholasticate, and remained there until 1884.

At Georgetown Observatory, in 1850, Sestini made a series of sunspot drawings, which were engraved and published (44 plates) as "Appendix A" of the Naval Observatory volume for 1847, printed in 1853.

Benedict Sestini (b. Florence, Italy, 20 March 1816; d. Frederick, Maryland, 17 Jan., 1890) was a Jesuit astronomer, mathematician and architect, who worked in Italy and the US.

He founded the American Messenger of the Sacred Heart in 1866, and retained editorial control of it until 1885; during these years he was also head director of the Apostleship of Prayer in the United States.

see also