
3 unusual facts about Benson Commission

Benson Commission

The Royal Commission on Legal Services, commonly known as the Benson Commission (after its chairman Sir Henry Benson) was a Royal Commission set up the by Labour government of Harold Wilson to "examine the structure, organisation, training and regulation of the legal profession and to recommend those changes that would be desirable to the interests of justice".

In other ways, however, the report was revolutionary – it recommended a Council of Legal Services to advise the Lord Chancellor (something eventually realised in the Lord Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Legal Education and Conduct), a movement of advice services such as the Citizens Advice Bureau into the legal fold, and a single unified body to regulate barristers, rather than a fragmentation between the Bar Council and Inns of Court.

The Commission was led by Sir Henry Benson, and also had a sub-committee looking at legal education, which was led by R.G. Dahrendorf.

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