
2 unusual facts about Bent Larsen

César Boutteville

He took 3rd at Paris 1962/63 (Albéric O'Kelly de Galway won), shared 10th at Bordeaux, and tied for 8-10th at Le Havre 1966 (Bent Larsen won).

Evgeni Vasiukov

Vasiukov had the top performance of his career with his win at Manila 1974 at 10.5/14, as he was ahead of Petrosian and Bent Larsen, among others, in a top-class field.

Max Euwe

Euwe lost some of the battles with the Soviets; for example, in 1973 he accepted the Soviets' demand that Bent Larsen and Robert Hübner, the two strongest non-Soviet contenders (Fischer was now champion), should play in the Leningrad Interzonal tournament rather than the weaker one in Petrópolis.

see also