
unusual facts about Bentivoglio

Bentivoglio, Emilia-Romagna

Bentivoglio borders the following municipalities: Argelato, Castel Maggiore, Granarolo dell'Emilia, Malalbergo, Minerbio, San Giorgio di Piano, San Pietro in Casale.

Basilica of San Giacomo Maggiore

It has a majolica pavement by the Della Robbia workshop (1498), with traces of the Bentivoglio coat of arms.


In 1441 it was acquired by Cesare Martinengo, and was later ruled by the Simonetta, Sforza, Bentivoglio and Del Carretto dynasties.

Francesco Bocchi

He returns to Florence, where he finds employment as a tutor for aristocratic children, for example Ulisse Bentivoglio, and the children of Benedetto Vivaldi and Piero Antonio Strozzi.

Giovanni Bentivoglio

Giovanni I Bentivoglio (died 1402), first ruler of Bologna from the Bentivoglio family

Guido Bentivoglio

A member of the Ferrara branch of the influential Bentivoglio family of Bologna, he was the younger son of marchese Cornelio Bentivoglio and Isabella Bendidio.

The King rewarded his services as nuncio with the appointment on 11 July 1622 to the bishopric of Riez, a position from which Bentivoglio would resign on 16 October 1625.

Filippo Baldinucci, the biographer of Claude Lorrain, asserts that Cardinal Bentivoglio launched the artist's career by purchasing two landscapes by him, which brought the artist to the attention of Urban VIII.

House of Bentivoglio

It included the tomb of Anton Galeazzo Bentivoglio by Jacopo della Quercia and the Bentivoglio family's own private chapel, the altar of which has some striking artwork by Lorenzo Costa depicting family victories over other Bolognese dynasties.

Isabella Bendidio

She married Cornelio Bentivoglio, a powerful nobleman and member of the Bentivoglio family, in 1573, at which point she may have stopped singing at court.

Isabella Bendidio (Marchesa Bentivoglio) (13 September 1546 – after 1610) was a Ferrarese noblewoman who, along with her sister Lucrezia Bendidio, sang in the first incarnation of the concerto delle donne as part of the court's musica secreta.

Jean-Baptiste de Voglie

Descended from the Ferrara branch of the Bentivoglio, Jean de Voglie entered the Corps of Bridges and Roads in France in 1742 and was appointed under-engineer to Jean-Rodolphe Perronet at Alençon.

Lucrezia Crivelli

He married Violante Bentivoglio (1505–1550), a granddaughter of Galeazzo Maria Sforza, by his mistress Lucrezia Landriani.

Trajano Boccalini

Pursuing his studies at Rome, he had the honor of teaching Bentivoglio, and acquired the friendship of the cardinals Gaetano and Borghesi, as well as of other distinguished personages.

see also