A Benjamin tree is a type of tree which produces benzoin or has similar properties.
Loban stands also for Styrax (tree) or the balsamic resin won from this tree, Benzoin resin.
resin | Benzoin resin | Dan Resin | Synthetic resin | Resin | Phenol formaldehyde resin | Benzoin | benzoin | Acrylic resin |
Among these riches were chests filled with jewels and pearls, gold and silver coins, ambergris, rolls of the highest-quality cloth, fine tapestries, 425 tons of pepper, 45 tons of cloves, 35 tons of cinnamon, 3 tons of mace and 3 of nutmeg, 2.5 tons of benjamin (a highly aromatic balsamic resin used for perfumes and medicines), 25 tons of cochineal and 15 tons of ebony.