
unusual facts about Beowulf & Grendel

Wrath of Gods

It tells the story of the dramatic circumstances Canadian director Sturla Gunnarsson and his crew had to go through during the making of the film Beowulf & Grendel.


Beowulf, England's national epic, relates that Breca the Bronding was the childhood friend of the hero Beowulf and Widsith tells that Breca later was the lord of the Brondings.


They and Breca the Bronding are mentioned in Beowulf (Th. 1047; B. 521.), as Beowulf's childhood friend, and in Widsith (Scóp Th. 51; Wíd. 25.), where Breca is the lord of the Brondings.

Digital cinema

Six more digital 3-D movies were released in 2006 and 2007 (including Beowulf, Monster House and Meet the Robinsons).


Electrooculography was used by Robert Zemeckis and Jerome Chen, the visual effects supervisor in the movie Beowulf, to enhance the performance capture by correctly animating the eye movements of the actors.

Facial motion capture

This has been used on movies such as The Polar Express and Beowulf to allow an actor such as Tom Hanks to drive the facial expressions of several different characters.

Parallel Virtual File System

In late 1994 Ligon met with Thomas Sterling and John Dorband at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and discussed their plans to build the first Beowulf computer.


QsNet is a high speed interconnect designed by Quadrics used in HPC clusters, particularly Linux Beowulf Clusters.

Sword of Sorcery

The title also features a backup feature starring Beowulf written by Tony Bedard and drawn by Jesus Saiz.

Torch of Freedom

Queen Berry becomes romantically involved with Hugh Arai, who after being freed from slavery by Jeremy X from the Audubon Ballroom worked as a commando for the Beowulf Biological Survey Corps (BSC), and was assigned by Jeremy X as Berry's bodyguard.


In the 2007 film Beowulf directed by Robert Zemeckis, Wiglaf's role (played by Brendan Gleeson) is larger; he is present in the movie from the first introduction of Beowulf and the Geats to the end when Beowulf vanquishes the dragon and dies.


A personage named Yrsa is voiced by Leslie Harter Zemeckis (Robert Zemeckis' wife) in the 2007 animated version of Beowulf.

see also