
3 unusual facts about Berakhah


Additionally, there are 5 blessings said after eating different foods: Birkat Hamazon, Al Hamichya, Al Hagaphen, Al Ha’eitz and Borei Nefashos.

This mandate refers to the mention of the Tetragrammaton, which was only pronounced at certain specific times within the confines of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

# a long blessing (matbe'a arokh, "long formula"), in which the opening is followed by a more elaborate text, for example, in the first section of the Birkat Hamazon (Grace after Meals), after which a concluding blessing formula is recited at the end of the prayer, for example, Barukh Atah Adonai ha-zan et ha-kol ("Blessed are You, Lord, Who feeds all").


Berakhah |

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