
3 unusual facts about Bernie Wrightson

Bernie Wrightson's Frankenstein

The illustrations themselves are not based upon the Karloff or Lee films of old, but on the actual book's descriptions of characters and objects.

Bob Almond

Almond's entry into the comic book industry came as a result of the efforts of fellow artists Bernie Wrightson and Jim Starlin.

Captain Sternn

First conceptualized in the late 1970s, Captain Sternn was developed by artist Bernie Wrightson during his time at The Studio.

Riding the Bullet

It will feature the novella Riding the Bullet, the original script for the film with same name by Mick Garris, and artwork by Alan M. Clark and Bernie Wrightson.

Weird Mystery Tales

Weird Mystery Tales contributors included Kirby, Bernie Wrightson, Howard Purcell, Michael Kaluta, Tony DeZuniga, Nestor Redondo, and Alfredo Alcala.

see also