Berrie, who has been active since 2003, received her Bachelor of Arts degree in visual communication from Glasgow School of Art, and her Master of Arts degree from the Royal College of Art in London.
He started The Mad Capsule Markets (which at the time was called Berrie) in 1985, with vocalist Hiroshi Kyono, in an attempt to create "loud, punk music" after becoming "bored" with music played on television and radio.
During the YGA leadership program the young leaders learn through YGA lecturers such as İlber Ortaylı, İzzet Garih, Ali Sabancı, Prof. Aydın Uğur, Hüsnü Özyeğin, Ali Koç, Çetin Yüceuluğ, Sinan Yaman, Tınaz Titiz, Ümran Beba, Prof. Erhan Erkut, Muzaffer Akpınar, Scott Berrie, Jim Rasmussen, Yuri Khlebnikov and Virginia Foxx as well as visiting different NGOs.