
2 unusual facts about Beryl Markham

A Soundless Echo

The letter discovered at the end of the episode is an excerpt from West with the Night by Beryl Markham.

Avro Avian

Famed aviator Beryl Markham used an Avian extensively in East Africa in the 1930s.

Brave Companions: Portraits in History

"Long-Distance Vision" is about the experiences and literary works of several early aviators, including Charles Lindbergh, Antoine de Saint Exupéry, and Beryl Markham.

Kenyan literature

The best-known of these include Isak Dinesen (the pen name of Karen Blixen), whose Out of Africa was the basis for the popular film starring Meryl Streep; Elspeth Huxley, author of The Flame Trees of Thika; Margorie Oludhe Macgoye, whose Coming to Birth won the Sinclair Prize; and Beryl Markham, author of West with the Night.

Percival Vega Gull

Alex Henshaw, Jim Mollison, Amy Johnson, Beryl Markham, C.W.A. Scott and others, won races and broke records to South Africa, South America, Australia and New Zealand, to name but a few.

see also

West with the Night

According to the 1993 biography, "The Lives of Beryl Markham," by Errol Trzebinski, the book's real author was her third husband, the ghost writer and journalist Raoul Schumacher.