
unusual facts about Besieged


15th Sustainment Brigade

After intense fighting in Hue, the division then moved to relieve US Marine Corps units besieged at the Khe Sanh combat base in Operation Pegasus through March 1968.


But when the Aetolians realised that Rome was to rule the Greek cities and asked Antiochus III the Great of Syria for help, the Roman general Manius Acilius Glabrio seized Lamia and advanced to Amfissa, where he conquered the Crissaean plain and besieged the town in 190 BC.

Antonio Luna

He was hurriedly buried in the churchyard, after which Aguinaldo relieved Luna's officers and men from the field, including General Venacio Concepción, whose headquarters in Angeles, Pampanga, Aguinaldo besieged the same day Luna was assassinated.

Apor Péc

When king Ladislaus IV led a campaign against Ivan Kőszegi and captured Kőszeg in 1286, Apor Péc, in alliance with Nicholas Kőszegi, besieged and occupied the castle of Pressburg (Pozsony; today Bratislava, Slovakia), as well as devastated its surrounding area in winter that year.

Armée de l'Est

The task of the army should be the relief of the besieged fortress of Belfort and the interruption of the German supply lines.


On October 26 the same year, personally Viceroy Antonio de Mendoza besieged El Penol with a powerful army and gave them so fierce battle that nearly ended with them.

Battle of Detern

In the course of the battle an East Frisian peasant army under Focko Ukena and Sibet of Rüstringen defeated the Oldenburg troops called by Chieftain Ocko II tom Brok to assist him, the Archbishop of Bremen and the counts of Hoya, Diepholz and Tecklenburg, who had besieged Detern.

Berengar II of Italy

He then once more turned against Berengar, who was besieged at San Leo.

Bnot Ya'akov Bridge

When Humphrey II of Toron was besieged in the city of Baniyas in 1157, King Baldwin III of Jerusalem was able to break the siege, only to be ambushed at Jacob's Ford in June of that year.

Cecile of France

In 1133, Pons was besieged at his castle of Montferrand by Zengi, atabeg of Mosul, in 1133, and Cecile appealed to her half-brother, King Fulk of Jerusalem, to come to his aid.

Château de Domfront

In 1574, the Château de Domfront, serving as a refuge for the Count of Montgomery, was besieged by royal troops under Marshal Matignon, capitulating on 27 May.

Château de Leynes

The castle was plundered, besieged and burned several times, principally in 1471 by the troops of Louis XI, and in 1593 by the lord of Nogent and his soldiers.

Chester Town Hall

Also in the hall are three sculptures which depict minstrels marching to the aid of Earl Ranulph III who was besieged in Rhuddlan Castle, Sir William Brereton following his arrest in 1642, Edward, the Black Prince granting a charter to the city in 1354 and Henry VII granting county status to Chester in 1506.

Colla MacDonnell

In 1551 the castle was besieged by English forces under the command of the Lord Deputy of Ireland, Sir James Croft, in the course of an expedition against the MacDonnell's.

David X of Kartli

David besieged the Maghrani Castle where Levan had taken positions, but soon had to abandon the siege as the Turkomans appeared again in the Georgian lands.

Five Children and It

They also wish themselves into a castle, only to learn it's being besieged, while a wish to meet real Red Indians ends with the children nearly being scalped.

Geng Kui

In the autumn they defeated the troops of Yunzhong Commandery and killed Grand Administrator Cheng Yan, and besieged the Colonel Protector of the Wuhuan in the city of Macheng.

George Stringer

During the effort to relieve the besieged garrison of British and Indian Army troops at Kut-el-Amara.

Giovanni Paolo I Sforza

When his other half-brother Francesco II made a similar attempt (1525), Giovanni Paolo was besieged in the Castello Sforzesco by the Spaniards under Antonio de Leyva; three years later he was again besieged by them in Lodi, this time with victorious results.

Gofraid of Lochlann

In 870 Dumbarton was besieged by Amlaib Conung and Ímar, "the two kings of the Northmen", who "returned to Dublin from Britain" the following year with numerous captives.


In 1601 the castle was besieged by the Wallachian army of Michael the Brave in his campaign to unite the Romanian-inhabited principalities of Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania against the Ottoman Empire, and to switch the Ottoman vassalage to the Habsburgs.

Isabel de Bolebec

In 1216 King John besieged and took the Oxford's seat, Castle Hedingham, in Essex.

Italian War of 1542–46

In Piedmont, meanwhile, a stalemate had developed between the French, under the Sieur de Boutières, and the Imperial army, under Alfonso d'Avalos; d'Avalos had captured the fortress of Carignano, and the French had besieged it, hoping to force the Imperial army into a decisive battle.

Jerzy Wołkowicki

Together with other ships, Imperator Nikolai I circumnavigated Africa, to help the besieged Port Arthur, during the Russo-Japanese War (see: Battle of Port Arthur).

Jose de Mazarredo y Salazar

During those months Don Mazarredo, who had relieved Lángara did several operations in the Mediterranean Sea, one of them was the evacuation of soldiers and civilians from Roses, a city in the Catalan coast that was being besieged by the French.


Jovinus fled for his life, but was besieged and captured in Valentia (Valence, Drôme) and taken to Narbo (Narbonne), where Caius Posthumus Dardanus, the praetorian prefect (governor) in Gaul, who had remained loyal to Honorius, had him executed.

Lady Carcas

One of the earliest was the 6th century BCE Greek Bias of Priene who successfully sent off the Lydian king Alyattes by fattening up a pair of mules and driving them out of the besieged city.

Marston, Oxford

While the Royalist forces were besieged in the city, which had been used by King Charles I as his capital, the Parliamentary forces under Sir Thomas Fairfax had quarters in Marston, and used the church tower as a lookout post for viewing the enemy's artillery positions in what is now the University Parks.

Martel, Lot

There is a museum containing items from Puy d'Issolud, a local Gallic archaeological site which has been identified as Uxellodunum, besieged by Julius Caesar in 51 BC.

Marwan ibn Muhammad's invasion of Georgia

He first campaigned in Kartli, after which he led his armies to the west and besieged the fortress of Anakopia, where Archil of Kakheti and his brother Mihr, who were assisted by Leon I of Abkhazia, were stationed.


A battle took place there in 1840 between French soldiers and Algerians and the legend says that during the night, the 123 besieged French soldiers drank coffee laced with brandy .

Ming Cho Lee

Lee's first Broadway play as Scenic Designer was "The Moon Besieged" in 1962; he went on to design the sets for over 20 Broadway shows, including Mother Courage and Her Children, King Lear, The Glass Menagerie, The Shadow Box, and For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf.


In 1920, during the Nationalists' push to gain control over the country, Ibrahim Colak with the Kuva-yi Milliye besieged forces loyal to the Porte for three days, May 13 to 15, before taking the town.

Nicolaus of Aetolia

In the same year he did much towards baffling the attempt of Antiochus on Dora in Phoenicia, by sending constant succours to the besieged.


In 1688, the ostrog was besieged by the Khalkha Mongols for two months, but they had to withdraw when their main territory was attacked by the Western Mongols.

Patrick J. Hurley

Hurley received a promotion to brigadier general in 1941 when the United States entered World War II, and General George C. Marshall dispatched him to the Far East as a personal representative to examine the feasibility of relieving American troops besieged on the island of Bataan.


He illustrated itself, with his friends in arms by its bravery at the time of the defense of the fortress of Rhodes besieged by Suleiman the Magnificent in 1522, under the reign of Francis I of France.

Princess Xu Zhaopei

In 548, when the capital Jiankang was besieged by the rebel general Hou Jing, Xiao Yi, then the governor of the important Jing Province (荊州, modern central and western Hubei), sent Xiao Fangdeng with a relatively small detachment to assist other generals in trying to relieve Jiankang, but after Hou captured the capital in spring 549, Xiao Fangdeng returned to Xiao Yi's base of Jiangling.

Ralph de Gael

1074- It is possible that Ralph defended Dol when the Conqueror besieged it unsuccessfully in 1074, although it is more likely that Ralph was in Dol during the revolts against Hoel II, Duke of Brittany and that William came to Dol in defense of Hoel.

Runan County

He committed suicide in Caizhou and his successor, Emperor Modi, was killed in the besieged town.

Saare County

The Danish stronghold was besieged and surrendered within five days, the Danish garrison returned to Revel, leaving bishop Albert of Riga' brother Theodoric and few others behind hostages as pledges for peace.

Second Battle of Charleston Harbor

In the days immediately following the second battle of Fort Wagner, Union forces besieged the Confederate works on Morris Island with an array of military novelties.

Second Punic War

The first objective of the insurgents were the Roman colonies of Placentia and Cremona, causing the Romans to flee to Mutina (modern Modena), which the Gauls then besieged.

Selbach mac Ferchair

In 712 Selbach besieged Aberte (Dunaverty, near Southend, Kintyre, in the lands of the Cenél nGabráin) and rebuilt Dún Olaigh in 714.

Shah Alam II

Prince Ali Gauhar successfully advanced as far as Patna, which he later besieged with a combined army of over 40,000 in order to capture or kill Ramnarian a sworn enemy of the Mughals.

Sharpe's Fury

Running from this first encounter, Sharpe and his small band of survivors are driven by Vandal into the fortress city of Cádiz, which is already besieged by a French army led by Marshal Victor.

Siege of Hachigata

The Siege of Hachigata is the name of two sieges of Hachigata Castle, a satellite castle of the Hōjō clan's Odawara Castle, which was besieged twice, both times in advance of an attack on Odawara.

Thornhill, West Yorkshire

The Saviles remained here until the English Civil War when the house was besieged, (having been previously fortified by Sir William Savile, the third baronet of the family), taken and demolished by the forces of Parliament.


It was from Zamindawar that much of the strength of the force which besieged Kandahar under Mohammad Ayub Khan in 1880 was derived; and it was the Zamindawar contingent of tribesmen who so nearly defeated Sir Donald Stewart's force at the Battle of Ahmed Khel previously.


Marina Škrabalo's research says: "In February/March 1994, ZaMir servers were installed in Ljubljana and besieged Sarajevo, followed by the set up of the Priština server ZANA, administered by the independent newspaper Koha in October 1994. The network was considerably improved in spring 1995, when the Zagreb, Sarajevo and Belgrade servers were enlarged and a new server, with direct international telephone access was installed in Tuzla".

see also