Jean Ernest Ducos de La Hitte, Viscount, was born on 5 September 1789 in Bessières (Haute-Garonne), and died on 22 September 1878 in Gragnague (Haute-Garonne).
Bessières was informed that Blake and Cuesta had separated, the former to Manzanal and the latter into Léon; both were allowed to retire unmolested when General Lasalle was uncharacteristically recalled to headquarters.
After serving with a good record in Italy, in Egypt and at Hohenlinden, Bertrand Bessières had a command in the Grande Armée, fought at Austerlitz and was subsequently promoted to brigadier general.
On July 14 Bessières, with around 14 000 men faced two massed Spanish corps of about 22 000 men, not far away from Valladolid.