
3 unusual facts about Bessie Bardot


Bessie Bardot (born 1974), Australian model, writer and television presenter

Bree Amer

In May 2011 Sydney-based author, Amanda Cole, issued Who Needs Prince Charming?, a self-realisation book for women, which collated contributions from 35 Australian women including Amer, Bianca Dye, Camilla Franks, Kathryn Eisman, Bessie Bardot, Molly Contogeorge, Tania Zaetta and Cindy Pan.

Cindy Pan

In May 2011, Sydney-based author, Amanda Cole, issued Who Needs Prince Charming?, a self-realisation book for women, which collated contributions from 35 Australian women including Pan, Bianca Dye, Camilla Franks, Kathryn Eisman, Bessie Bardot, Molly Contogeorge and Tania Zaetta.

see also