
2 unusual facts about Beta Pictoris

Beta Pictoris

In 2000, observations made with the Advanced Meteor Orbit Radar facility in New Zealand revealed the presence of a stream of particles coming from the direction of Beta Pictoris, which may be a dominant source of interstellar meteoroids in our solar system.

Beta Pictoris is a star in the southern constellation of Pictor, the Easel, and is located to the west of the bright star Canopus.

see also

Guido Maus

beta pictoris gallery is also a supporting member of the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver in Denver, Colorado and the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art in Boulder, Colorado.

Jack Whitten

Whitten is represented by Alexander Gray Associates in New York; Zeno X gallery in Antwerp, Belgium; and Guido Maus, beta pictoris gallery / Maus Contemporary in Birmingham, AL.