Investors "weren't so much buying a security" as they "were buying a triple-A rating," according to business journalists Bethany McLean and Joe Nocera.
In 2004, Bethany McLean, writing in Fortune, questioned Topol's own potential financial conflicts of interest.
Berkowitz married Bethany McLean, a Vanity Fair magazine editor and one of the authors of the book Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, in May 2008.
Lazarus of Bethany | McLean, Virginia | McLean Hospital | Max McLean | Bethany | Jackie McLean | John McLean | Don McLean | Bethany, West Virginia | McLean | Stuart McLean | Bruce McLean | Jim McLean | Charles McLean Andrews | Bethany (Biblical village) | McLean Stevenson | Mary of Bethany | David McLean | Bethany McLean | Bethany Hamilton | Bethany Cabe | Bethany Beardslee | Bethany Beach, Delaware | Una McLean | Priscilla McLean | Potomac School (McLean, Virginia) | McLean v. Arkansas | McLean High School | John McLean (athlete) | Jason C. McLean |