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In the remaining portion of the town there are several varieties, viz: Aspen, Birch, Ash, Maple, Elm and Small Pine.
This Township is covered with timber The greater portion of which is Hemlock Y Birch Elm and Sugar.
Soil is principally 2nd Rate Timber Hemlock Birch Sugar White Pine Spruce and Fir and it is well watered by numerous Small Streams of pure water.
The general character of this Township is 2d & 3d rate the soil is mostly poor loam & sand, the timber is mostly Birch Oak Aspen TamaracK & Pine the Pine is 2d growth & very poor.
A large part of the township is well timbered with Birch, Ash, Elm, Lind, Sugar, Oak, Ironwood and Some Pine.
The character of this Township is good, particularly the North Eastern part there is some good farming Lands the timber being mostly Sugar Elm Ironwood + Birch the Southern + Western part is generally of a 2d rate quality the timber being mostly Birch Pine soft Maple Ash etc the streams are fed by the swamps & are not durable.
The land in this Township East of Chippewa Rive is very Sandy producing only Yellow & Pitch(?) Pine Timber except near the Swamps where White Pine, Birch & Elm is found.