The larvae feed on a large variety of deciduous trees and shrubs, including Ulmus, Fraxinus and Acer.
In the remaining portion of the town there are several varieties, viz: Aspen, Birch, Ash, Maple, Elm and Small Pine.
Tree species best represented in the arboretum are Chamaecyparis (120 taxa), Prunus (115 taxa), Picea (100 taxa), Quercus (85 taxa), Abies (60 taxa), Sorbus (55 taxa), Crataegus (50 taxa), Fraxinus (45 taxa), Tilia (45 taxa), Viburnum (40 taxa), Cedrus (20 taxa), and Cupressocyparis (20 taxa).
These larvae are polyphagous, feeding on various shrubs and deciduous trees, mainly oak (Quercus), elm (Ulmus), Linden (Tilia), hazel (Corylus), maples (Acer) and ash (Fraxinus).
Ash Flat was established in 1856, named by local residents in honor of a nearby grove of ash trees.
Another version of the legend related that she halted on the journey at 'Stow' and sheltered under a miraculously growing ash tree which came from her staff planted in the ground.
The undercarriage main axle was carried at the bottom end of the kingpost with wheels at either end and bearing ash fore and aft skids.
woodland which comprises mostly Beech, and Juniper Hill supports Ash, scrub, unimproved calcareous grassland and old quarries.
The plateau extends over 240 hectares with a great landscape diversity - alternating valleys, forests of Austrian pines, oak, ash, shrubland, and vast flat plains peppered with groves.
For construction they used a kind of braided rods and branches of local trees, mainly tascar (local species of Juniper) and Fraxinus, over the braids they shaped the adobe walls.
Only a few organic components were preserved, one is a piece of leather, and there were seven or eight pieces of wood, one of ash, the other of maple.
There are also riparian forests along the various rivers and streams, shadier and more humid, with alders (genus Alnus), ash (genus Fraxinus) and willows (genus Salix).
The larvae have been recorded feeding on Fraxinus and Syringa species in Primorskiy, Ligustrum japonicum, Ligustrum obtusifolium and Fraxinus rhynchophylla in Korea and Ligustrum japonicum, Ligustrum obtusifolium, Olea europaea and Osmanthus fragrans in Japan.
The tiny fruit bodies of the fungus resemble minute, white cups that grow scattered or in groups on the bark of ash trees.
The tree canopy is dominated by Pedunculate Oak and Ash some of which are estimated to be 200 years old.
The larvae feed on low plants such as Ranunculus in the early stages, later preferring such species as Fraxinus and Ligustrum.
the streams are fed by the swamps and are subject to very sudden rise & fall the timber is of various kinds such as soft-maple sugar Pine (TamaracK & alder in the swamps) Linn Oak Ash Ironwood +c, the stone are a Blue Flint.
The larvae feed on a wide range of plants, but mainly deciduous shrubs and trees such as Malus, Fraxinus and Celtis species.
The trees in the forests include Pashtun Juniper (Juniperus macropoda), pistachio, almond, and ash trees.
Highbury Wood overlies mostly alkaline soils and contains a range of woodland species such as Ash, Oak and Lime.
The larvae feed on the leaves of a wide range of deciduous trees and shrubs, including Amelanchier, Rosa, Prunus, Salix, Populus, Alnus, Betula, Corylus, Fraxinus, Tilia, Ulmus, Quercus and Acer.
Here this zone is characterized by the expansion of Quercus (Oak), Corylus (Hazel), Taxus, Ulmus (Elm), Fraxinus (Ash), Carpinus (Hornbeam), and Picea (Spruce).
The larvae feed on a wide range of woody plants Fraxinus, Abies balsamea, Betula, Prunus virginiana, Tsuga canadensis, Ulmus, Ribes uva-crispa, Acer and Salix species.
Kingscote, Horsley and Sandgrove woods are similar and includes some Ash and Oak.
The timber is small and thrifty - chiefly Maple, Birch Oak, Elm Ash and some small Pine.
Nearby is an ancient ash tree, the Dule Tree of the district from which thieves and murderers were hanged.
The bird's year-round diet of insects and social foraging bias habitat choice in winter towards deciduous woodland, typically of Oak (Quercus sp.), Ash (Fraxinus sp.) and locally Sycamore species.
Located in south central Cameron County, the city was named for the fresnos (Fraxinus berlandieriana) scattered in the woods and along streams.
The larvae feed on the leaves of various broadleaved trees and shrubs, including Alnus, Malus, Fraxinus, Tilia, Betula, Vaccinium, Cornus, Ulmus, Crataegus, Populus and Salix.
The larva of this species mainly feed on Ash species (Fraxinus), but have also been recorded on Syringa and Ulmus species.
Many species of Fraxinus, the ash trees, exude a sugary substance, which the ancient Greeks called méli, "honey".
The Traveller featured an external structural ash (wood) frame for the rear bodywork, with two side-hinged rear doors.
One day, while Sam is chopping an ash tree to make a bed, an old woman named Mrs. Thomas Fiedler forces him to help her pick strawberries.
Oak, Pine, and Ash are the most traditional type of wood used on baskets, but today many other types are utilized such as cherry and ebony.
In 2007, the Park District removed thirty-one ash trees from the property that were expected to be devastated by the Emerald ash borer, like others in northwestern Ohio.
The larvae feed on the leaves of various deciduous trees and shrubs, including Corylus, Fraxinus, Prunus, Quercus, Rubus, Swida sanguinea, Betula, Fagus, Larix, Pinus, Rhamnus frangula, Thelycrania sanguinea and Vaccinium.
Besides several softwood species (such as fir, spruce, pine, cedar and hemlock), other hardwood species present include: red oak, beech, linden, elm, and ash.
It had two-bay wings constructed of spruce and Ash, with ailerons on the upper wing and floats under the lower wingtips.
A poem about English trees but emphasising the symbolic nature of Oak, Ash and Thorn.
The woods are an example of old woodland which comprises Ash, Oak, Silver Birch, Whitebeam and Rowan.
Ash and blackthorn sticks were for sale at €3 each, or for rent at €1.50.
Where there is broad-leaved woodland, this is mainly Beech and Ash.
A setting pole is usually made of ash, or a similar resilient wood, and is capped on one or both ends with metal to withstand the repeated pushing against the bottom and rocks, and to help the end of the pole sink to the bottom more quickly.
A large part of the township is well timbered with Birch, Ash, Elm, Lind, Sugar, Oak, Ironwood and Some Pine.
The character of this Township is good, particularly the North Eastern part there is some good farming Lands the timber being mostly Sugar Elm Ironwood + Birch the Southern + Western part is generally of a 2d rate quality the timber being mostly Birch Pine soft Maple Ash etc the streams are fed by the swamps & are not durable.
The skrabalai is gouged from a piece of hard wood – oak or ash.
This may be made of fiberglass, special tubing (see image), ash or strips of bamboo stacked together and bound, which functions like a leaf spring.
Sorbus is unrelated to the true ash trees which belong to the genus Fraxinus, although the leaves are superficially similar.
Handles are often ash or hickory, but lesser species of woods find their way into economy handles.
Similar to the prototype, the production car was a wingless B.E.2c fuselage stripped of various fittings, and equipped with two ash skids in place of the wheeled undercarriage.
Horticulturally, visitors find a large collection of species and hybrid Rhododendron, cultivars of Fagus sylvatica, as well as collections of Sorbus, Fraxinus and Magnolia.
It holds national plant collections of conifers (particularly Tsuga), Ericaceae (and Rhododendron in particular), Aceraceae, Betulaceae, Euonymus, Fraxinus, Laburnum, Magnolia and Syringa.
Their focus products included bed frames, chiffoniers, and bedroom furniture of various kinds made of oak, ash, birch and maple.
The term is also sometimes used to describe any type of flexible rod used in rural crafts such as hazel or ash.
The zapisi (plural) are chosen from large trees, primarily oaks, but also elms, ashes, beeches, pear trees, and hazels.
Fraxinus | Fraxinus excelsior | Fraxinus nigra | Fraxinus angustifolia | Fraxinus ornus | Fraxinus latifolia |
The low-elevation forests of the foothills are dominated by temperate deciduous trees like oaks (Quercus acutissima, Q. variabilis), elm (Ulmus spp.), Common Walnut (Juglans regia), maple (Acer spp.), ash (Fraxinus spp.) and Celtis spp.
91F0 — Riparian mixed forests of Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur), European White Elm (Ulmus laevis) and Field Elm (Ulmus minor), Common Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) or Narrow-leafed Ash (Fraxinus angustifolia), along the great rivers - hardwood forest on the banks of large rivers, with largely undisturbed flooding dynamics; forests in nitrogen-rich locations usually with well-developed undergrowth, rich in trailing plants, 15 ha.