
unusual facts about Bf 110


Some notable ones include: most of the famous World War I fighters in 1:48 and 1:72 scales, P-40, P-39 and Fw 190 fighters, the Dassault Mirage III, and most recently, a Bf 110C/D, all in 1:48.

Ilyushin Il-2

(The development of the MP-6 gun can be traced back to 1937. The initial version was tested in the spring of 1940 on a Bf 110 bought from Germany, because there was no suitable Soviet aircraft on which to mount it. In the summer of 1940 it was tested on the Pashinin I-21.)

see also

Aerodrome Abbeville

The Luftwaffe immediately began preparing for the Battle of Britain and the airfield became home to Zerstörergeschwader 76 (ZG 76) 'Schlageter' with Bf-110Cs onto the airfield along with Fw 190As of Jagdgeschwader 26 (JG 26).