
2 unusual facts about Bhishma


Bhishma's character was played by Mukesh Khanna in the B.R.Chopra's Mahabharat, one of the most successful Hindi television series.

Sriranjani, Jr.

Chitrapu Narayana Murthy encouraged her and gave her chance to act in the film Bhishma (1944).

Kosala Kingdom

Bhishma rates the battle skills of every king who were to take part in the Kurukshetra War

Magadha Kingdom

Having defeated all the Magadhas, the Kasis, and the Kosalas, Kuru warrior Bhishma brought away by force two maidens for Vichitravirya, the Kuru prince.


Bhishma and Karna, half brother of Pandava also took instruction in weaponry from Parashurama, a disciple of lord Shiva, and was known to have terrible temper having lost his father to the evil Asura.


Vichitravirya married only her sisters, because Amba told Bhishma that she had been promised to the Subalu, the King of Salva and was not ready to marry anyone else.

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