It lists its principles in a "statement of faith" which declares the belief that the Bible is literally true.
The Ararat anomaly is an object appearing on photographs of the snowfields near the summit of Mount Ararat, Turkey and advanced by some Christian believers as the remains of Noah's Ark.
Karen Armstrong sees "preoccupation with literal truth" as "a product of the scientific revolution".
Biblical Magi | Biblical Sabbath | Biblical Mount Sinai | Biblical inspiration | Biblical criticism | Bethany (Biblical village) | Biblical literalism | Society of Biblical Literature | Biblical theology | Biblical inerrancy | Biblical canon | The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and Its Scientific Implications | Lot (biblical person) | Jubilee (Biblical) | Job (Biblical figure) | James Barr (biblical scholar) | Covenant (biblical) | biblical Mount Sinai | biblical canon | Zechariah (biblical) | Ruth (biblical figure) | Psychological biblical criticism | List of biblical names | Jubilee (biblical) | Journal of Biblical Literature | Job (biblical figure) | Eli (Biblical priest) | Christians for Biblical Equality | Chemosh (biblical) | Biblical Research Institute |
Modern American creationism arose out of the theological split over modernist higher criticism and its rejection by the Fundamentalist Christian movement which promoted Biblical literalism and, post 1920, took up the anti-evolution cause led by William Jennings Bryan.
John Shelby Spong advocates a nuanced approach to scripture (as opposed to blunt Biblical literalism at the other end of the scale), informed by scholarship and compassion, which he argues can be consistent with both Christian tradition and a contemporary understanding of the universe.
Biblical literalism taken for a source of scientific information is making the rounds even nowadays among creationists who would merit Julian Huxley's description of 'bibliolaters.'