
5 unusual facts about Big Yellow Taxi

Big Miller

He became a Canadian citizen and lived there for the rest of his life, working with local musician Tommy Banks and covering "Big Yellow Taxi" with the song's author, Albertan Joni Mitchell.

Gold Coast Oceanway

One growth model is just to keep expanding the size of carparks whenever they get full, leading to concern about 'paving paradise' as expressed in the song "Big Yellow Taxi".

Ladies of the Canyon

It features several of Mitchell's most noted songs, including "Big Yellow Taxi", "Woodstock" and "The Circle Game".


The song Big Yellow Taxi, originally written and performed by Joni Mitchell, includes the line, "They paved paradise and put up a parking lot."


In December 1997 the group released Palafala, sampling Joni Mitchell's Big Yellow Taxi.

see also