After a Villanova punt, Auburn running back Billy Hitchcock broke loose around left end and rambled 40 yards for the Tigers' only score.
Born in Inverness, Alabama and a graduate of Auburn University, Hitchcock played all four infield positions during a nine-year American League active career.
Alfred Hitchcock | Billy Joel | Alfred Hitchcock Presents | Billy Wilder | Billy Crystal | Billy Bob Thornton | Billy Taylor | Billy Hart | Billy Connolly | Billy Bragg | Billy Idol | Billy Cobham | Billy Preston | Billy Ray Cyrus | Robyn Hitchcock | Billy Graham | Billy Eckstine | Billy Budd | Billy the Kid | Billy Sunday | Billy Mitchell | Billy Zane | Billy Squier | Billy Martin | Billy Corgan | Billy Ocean | Billy Joe Shaver | Billy Meredith | Hitchcock | Billy West |
The product from the lab was distributed by the Brotherhood of Eternal Love; Scully was connected with the Brotherhood via Billy Hitchcock.