On 26 August 1963 Serrarens died in the Berg en Bosch hospital in Bilthoven.
In addition he gave guest lectures and composition seminars in Tel Aviv, Stockholm, Darmstadt, Bilthoven (the Netherlands) and Buenos Aires, and from 1973 held a professorship at the Musikhochschule in Vienna.
It is a non-profit organization that now operates out of Bilthoven, Netherlands.
War Resisters' International was founded in Bilthoven, Netherlands in 1921 under the name "Paco", which means "peace" in Esperanto.
Madelon Vriesendorp (born 1945, Bilthoven) is a Dutch artist best known as one of the co-founders of the Office of Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) in the early 1970s (together with Rem Koolhaas and Elia Zenghelis and Zoe Zenghelis).