
unusual facts about Binary star

HD 189733

HD 189733, also catalogued as V452 Vulpeculae, is a binary star system approximately 63 light-years away in the constellation of Vulpecula (the Fox).

United States Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station

Complete catalogs require much study of binary/multiple, flare, oblate, starspot-laden stars, and astrometrically extended objects, in addition to the classically 'simple', spheroidally shaped single stars.

see also

Circumbinary planet

In the Trigun series, the planet orbits a binary star system.

HD 106906 b

DT Virginis, a binary star about which orbits a planet with the farthest orbit around such a system.

Regional Meteorological Centre, Chennai

In 1855, Captain W. S. Jacob of the East India Observatory in Madras found orbital anomalies in the binary star 70 Ophiuchi that he claimed are evidence of an extrasolar planet—the first exoplanet false alarm.


XZ Tauri, a binary star system in the constellation Taurus