
unusual facts about Birkhoff's axioms

Birkhoff's axioms

"A Set of Postulates for Plane Geometry (Based on Scale and Protractors)," Annals of Mathematics 33.

Axiom of limitation of size

In 1922, Fraenkel and Skolem pointed out that Zermelo's axioms cannot prove the existence of the set {Z0, Z1, Z2, … } where Z0 is the set of natural numbers, and Zn+1 is the power set of Zn.

Birkhoff–Kellogg invariant-direction theorem

The Birkhoff–Kellogg theorem and its generalizations by Schauder and Leray have applications to partial differential differential equations.

Compass-and-straightedge construction

Probably Gauss first realized this, and used it to prove the impossibility of some constructions; only much later did Hilbert find a complete set of axioms for geometry.

Garrett Birkhoff

Birkhoff's research and consulting work (notably for General Motors) developed computational methods besides numerical linear algebra, notably the representation of smooth curves via cubic splines.

see also