
unusual facts about Birth of Venus

Venus Anadyomene

Through the desire of Renaissance artists reading Pliny to emulate Apelles, and, if possible, to outdo him, Venus Anadyomene was taken up again in the 15th century: besides Botticelli's famous Birth of Venus (Uffizi Gallery, Florence), another early Venus Anadyomene is the bas-relief by Antonio Lombardo from Wilton House (Victoria and Albert Museum, London).

see also

Philippe Chéry

He also painted 'The Treaty of Amiens,' for which he received the prize of 12,000 francs in the competition in the year XI; 'The Death of the Father of Louis XVI.,' exhibited in 1817; 'Thrasybulus re-establishing the Democratic Government at Athens,' which passed into England, 'The Death of Alcibiades,' 'The Birth of Venus,' 'The Toilet of Venus,' and portraits of many of the men of mark of the time.

The Birth of Venus

In paintings, the term "the birth of Venus" has often been interchanged with "Venus Anadyomene".