Majdalani is a professor of philosophy and cultural studies for Birzeit University located north of Ramallah.
A former Palestinian government minister, he currently serves as Secretary-General of the Palestinian Popular Struggle Front (PPSF) and teaches at Birzeit University
He had spent 17 years in Jerusalem and the West Bank, first as a director of the Albright Institute for Archaeology and then as head of the archaeology department of Birzeit University, where he helped to found the Archaeology Institute.
Dr. Jarbawi joined the Faculty of Political Science at Birzeit University in 1981, after receiving his PhD in Political Science from the University of Cincinnati, and was awarded Professorship in 1996.
In the meantime, he was appointed Director to the Palestinian Center for Regional Studies (Pal-CRS), and he also taught as part time Professor at both Birzeit University and Al Quds University until 1999.
In 1975, Birzeit College (located in the town of Bir Zeit north of Ramallah) became Birzeit University after adding third- and fourth-year college-level programs.
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Mass demonstrations had occurred a year earlier when, after two Gaza students at Birzeit University had been shot by Israeli soldiers on campus on December 4, 1986, the Israelis responded with harsh punitive measures, involving summary arrest, detention and systematic beatings of handcuffed Palestinian youths, ex-prisoners and activists, some 250 of whom were detained in four cells inside a converted army camp, known popularly as Ansar 11, outside Gaza city.