
6 unusual facts about West Bank


Almon, Mateh Binyamin, also known as Anatot, an Israeli settlement in the West Bank

Beit Jala Lions

The Beit Jala Lions (Arabic:-لايونز بيت جالا) is a rugby union club situated in the town of Beit Jala near Bethlehem in the West Bank.

Jewish settlement

Israeli settlement, Jewish communities currently established in the West Bank and in the Golan Heights, between 1967 and 2006 in the Gaza Strip and between 1967 and between 1967 and 1982 in the Sinai Peninsula

West Bank

In 1975, Birzeit College (located in the town of Bir Zeit north of Ramallah) became Birzeit University after adding third- and fourth-year college-level programs.

This has often been interpreted as tantamount to an official annexation, though Ian Lustick, in reviewing the legal status of Israeli measures, has argued that no such annexation ever took place.

Zahra's Blue Eyes

Set in the West Bank, the plot of the series mostly centers around Israeli military and civilians conspiring to steal the eyes of Palestinian children.

'Abd as-Sattar Qasm

'Abd as-Sattar Qasm is a Palestinian politician who was born on September 12, 1948 in Deir al-Ghusun in Tulkarm Governorate in the northern West Bank.

2003 in the Palestinian territories

June 4 – "Road map" for peace: Israeli Prime Minister Sharon promises to dismantle illegal settlements in the West Bank, while new Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas renounces all terrorism against Israel.

Abu Saymeh

Abu Saymeh is a Muslim calligrapher who earned worldwide fame when he was selected by Victor Batarseh, the Christian mayor of Bethlehem on the West Bank, to copy out in Arabic script the Gospel of Luke from the New Testament of the Christian Bible for presentation to the Catholic Pope Benedict XVI.

Albert Glock

He had spent 17 years in Jerusalem and the West Bank, first as a director of the Albright Institute for Archaeology and then as head of the archaeology department of Birzeit University, where he helped to found the Archaeology Institute.

Anarchists Against the Wall

On April 3 Jonathan Pollak was shot in the head with a tear gas canister from an M16, at a distance of approximately thirty meters, at a protest against the Wall in the West Bank village of Bil'in, leaving him with internal brain hemorrhaging and a wound requiring 23 stitches.

Azzam al-Ahmad

In 1968,His father, Najeeb al-Ahmad was deported across the Jordan River by the Israeli Army after its occupation of the West Bank.

Charles Glass

He also made Stains of War (1992), and The Forgotten Faithful (1994), which looked at the situation of the Palestinian Christians who have left the West Bank.

David Ha'ivri

Ha'ivri lives with his wife and eight children in Kfar Tapuach in the West Bank.

Durham Palestine Educational Trust

Starting in 1984 (initially it was called the Durham Birzeit Studentship Fund), the Trust has brought students from the West Bank and Gaza to study in a wide variety of academic departments, including Archaeology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Durham Business School, Economics, Engineering, English, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Physics and Social Work.

Emad Burnat

His documentary 5 Broken Cameras is a first-hand account of life and demonstrations in Bil'in, a West Bank village adjacent to Israeli settlements.

Geulah Cohen

The new party was strongly affiliated with the extra-parliamentary movement of Gush Emunim, and included prominent members of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza such as Hanan Porat and Elyakim Haetzni.

Giora Eiland

In early 2003, a few weeks after his retirement from the army and arrival to the NSC, Eiland became aware of Sharon's disengagement initiative – at that stage the initiative had more limited objectives in the Gaza Strip and broader in the West Bank.

Governorates of the Gaza Strip

After the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993, the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip were divided into three areas (Area A, Area B, and Area C) and 16 governorates under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian National Authority.

Ibrahim Hazboun

Ibrahim Yousef Ibrahim Hazboun (b. October 18, 1947) is a Palestinian astrologer who was born in Bethlehem city in the West Bank.

Israel and legitimacy

M.J. Rosenberg, writing in the Los Angeles Times, argued that the term "delegitimization" is a "distraction", whose purpose is to divert attention away from world opposition to the "illegitimate" occupation of the West Bank and blockade of the Gaza Strip, from the "illegal" settlements, and from "the ever-louder calls for Israel to grant Palestinians equal rights".

Jamal Zahalka

He argues that an apartheid system is already in place, with the West Bank and Gaza Strip separated into "cantons," and Palestinians required to carry permits to travel between them.

Jerusalem Road 20

In the late 1990s, the Israel Ministry of Transport planned to construct Highway 45 from Highway 1 near Ben Gurion International Airport through the West Bank passing slightly north of Beit Horon and Beit Ur al-Fauqa to the Atarot Industrial Park in Jerusalem.

Jess Ghannam

Since the early 1990s, Ghannam has worked extensively in the field of medical development in the occupied Palestinian Territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Majdi Halabi

On July 2, 2008, Halabi's family received a telephone call from an inmate in Damon Prison who claimed that Halabi had been abducted and was being held in the vicinity of Nablus in the West Bank.

Marcus Hardie

Hardie saw combat during the Battle of Jenin before being transferred to the army's legal department, but after six months, he decided to return to a combat position, and was transferred to the 7th Armored Brigade, where he drove and loaded tanks near Israel's northern border and manned checkpoints in the West Bank.

Mohammad Barakeh

In February 2005, Barakeh was threatened by Kahanist activist (and now-outlawed Kach party leader) Baruch Marzel over his pivotal support for Ariel Sharon's evacuation compensation bill, a move that paved the way for Israel's unilateral disengagement from the Gaza Strip and northern West Bank.

Nina Rosenwald

Her family fund has given financial support to two settlements in the disputed Palestinian territory of the West Bank: the Beit El yeshiva, which counsels its students to defy government orders to evacuate illegal outposts, and Ariel University.

Palestine Olympic Committee

According to Nahil Mabrouk, president of the Palestinian Track and Field Federation, the Palestine Olympic Committee was first founded in 1931, and remained an Olympic member until the 1967 war when the West Bank and Gaza Strip were occupied by Israel.

Palestinian political violence

In 1987, a mass revolt, of predominantly civil resistance, called the First Intifada, exploded, leading to the Madrid Conference of 1991, and subsequently to the Oslo I Accord, which produced an interim understanding allowing a new Palestinian authority, the PNA to exercise limited autonomy in 3% (later 17%) of the West Bank, and parts of the Gaza Strip not used or earmarked for Israeli settlement.

Rail transport in Israel

Talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority in 2004 have raised the possibility of reviving the old line from the Gaza Strip to Tulkarm and/or building a new line from Gaza to Tarkumia (near Hebron) with the aim of securely transporting people and goods between Gaza and the West Bank through Israeli territory as well as for transporting cargo to and from the Israeli port of Ashdod destined to the Palestinian Authority.

Rio Nido

Rio Nido was a jazz vocal trio that began as part of the Minneapolis West Bank music scene in the early 1970s.

Salam Fayyad

In September 2010, The New York Review of Books published an article by Nathan Thrall that raised questions about the Fayyad plan and one of its central elements: United States-sponsored training, equipping, and funding of the Palestinian Authority's security forces, which have been cooperating with Israel at unprecedented levels in the West Bank to quell supporters of Hamas, the main Palestinian Islamist group that opposes negotiations with Israel.

Sam Bahour

He moved with his family to the Israeli-occupied West Bank in the 1990s following the signing of Oslo Accords to become involved in developing the economy of the future Palestinian state.

State of Judea

In 2007 rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpo suggested the establishment of a new state in the West Bank in the event of Israeli withdrawal.

Textbooks in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict

In 1998, two years before the Al-Aqsa intifada, Democrat member of United States House of Representatives Peter Deutsch and other congressmembers directed the State Department to ask UNRWA to investigate evidence that school books used in UNRWA-run schools in the West Bank and Gaza contained anti-Semitic statements.

Unified National Leadership of the Uprising

The UNLU and Ghassan Andoni in Beit Sahour, urged people to stop paying taxes to Israel, which inherited and modified the previous Jordanian tax-collection regime in the West Bank.


The package was used to port several ZX Spectrum titles, namely Chess Master, West Bank, Jumping Jack

Victory for us is to see you suffer

In the book, Winslow, a former U.N. relief worker and journalist, reports on his experiences in the West Bank during the Second Intifada.

Violence in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict 2002

25 July: A 43-year-old Rabbi was killed and another civilian injured in a shooting attack near the West Bank community of Alei Zahav, west of Ariel.

Yitzchak Ginsburgh

During the trial of seven of his students for the murder of an Arab girl during a violent settler rampage through the Palestinian West Bank village of Kifl Haris, Ginsburg said that in religious law, given the inequality between Arab and Jewish blood, Arabs who kill Jews warrant punishment, but Jews who kill Arabs should be let off.

Zahi Khouri

Following the signing of the Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestinian National Authority in 1993, which granted limited sovereignty to the Palestinians in parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Khouri moved back to Palestine in order to establish business ventures there along with several other Palestinian entrepreneurs.

He helped establish the Palestinian Development and Investment Company (PADICO), the largest Palestinian investment company, as well as the Palestinian National Beverage Company, which manufactures and markets Coca-Cola products under official franchise in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

see also

A48 road

From Gloucester, the A48 runs through the villages of Minsterworth, Westbury-on-Severn, connects to a link road to Cinderford in the Forest of Dean then through Newnham, Blakeney and bypassing the town of Lydney (the bypass was built in the 1990s) on the west bank of the River Severn.

Al-Mazra'a ash-Sharqiya

The town's many enormous, elaborate mansions has, according to the BBC led it to be called the Miami of the West Bank.

Amnon Straschnov

He was president of the Military Courts in the West Bank from 1982 to 1984, and served as Military Advocate General of the IDF from 1986 to 1991, during the First Intifada.

Antonio Saca

Born in Usulután, Saca is patrilineal descended from Palestinian (Catholic Christian) immigrants who arrived in El Salvador in the early 20th century from the West Bank town of Bethlehem.

Auto Freight Transport Building of Oregon and Washington

In 1964, relocation of Interstate 5 from the west bank of the Willamette to the east led to removal of the docks and other waterfront structures of the industrial district and demolition of many old industrial buildings.

Battle of Dezful

The armored thrust would cross the Karkheh River drive from the northeast part of the province past the cities of Susangerd and Ahvaz, down the west bank of the Karun River.

Battle of Friedland

Having thrown all of his pontoon bridges at or near the bottleneck of the village of Friedland, Benningsen had unwittingly trapped his troops on the west bank.

Camp Hudson

Camp Hudson, later Fort Hudson was located on the west bank of the Devils River, below the Second Crossing of Devils River by the San Antonio-El Paso Road, (now known as Bakers Crossing nearby to the north) and 19 miles south of Juno and 21 miles north of Comstock in Val Verde County, Texas.

Charlotten Bridge

Charlotten Bridge (German Charlottenbrücke) in Spandau links the old town of Spandau on the west bank of the Havel with the east bank.

Clark A.A.

While the company factory was located in Newark, on the west bank of the Passaic River, the team played at Clark Field located on the east side of the river, an area known as East Newark.

Clark O.N.T.

As the product became established, the company renamed its athletic team to the simpler Clark A.A. While the Clark Thread Company factory was originally located in Newark, on the west bank of the Passaic River, the team played at Clark Field located on the east side of the river, an area known as East Newark.

Country Park Halt railway station

Country Park Halt is an unstaffed request stop on the Severn Valley Railway heritage line in Shropshire, situated near the west bank of the River Severn, about 300 yards north of the footbridge between Highley and Alveley in the Severn Valley.

Edward Elers Delaval Henderson

On 25 January 1917 on the west bank of the River Hai, near Kut, Mesopotamia, he performed the deed for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross.

Elgood's Brewery

The brewery is located on the north west bank of the River Nene, west of Wisbech's town centre.

Hale Boggs Memorial Bridge

The bridge was dedicated by Governor David C. Treen and Bishop Stanley Ott of Baton Rouge and opened to traffic on October 8, 1983 connecting Louisiana Highway 18 on the West Bank and Louisiana Highway 48 on the East Bank.

Hooghly district

The district of Hooghly derived its name from the town of Hooghly situated on the west bank of Hooghly River about 40 km north of Kolkata.

Hudson River Chain

It eventually constructed such obstacles across the river at northern Manhattan, between forts Washington and Lee in 1776; at the newly constructed Fort Montgomery on the West Bank on Popolopen Creek in 1776–1777 south of West Point; a partially completed one at Pollepel Island in 1776–1777 north of West Point; and the Great Chain (1778–1782) at West Point.

Jaime Nebot

Nebot built a shopping promenade along the west bank of the Guayas River, in the center of Guayaquil.


Jerusalem Media & Communication Centre, a Palestinian organization which provides information about the West Bank and in Gaza.


Of over a million refugees who entered West Bengal in 1950 alone settled mostly in squatter colonies between Naihati and Sonarpur on the east bank of the Hooghly and between Mogra and Uluberia on the west bank.

Lake Bolon

It is located on the broad west-bank flood plain of the Amur River about 80 km south of Komsomolsk and drains into the Amur by a 9 km channel.

Landau Commission

In 1984 International Commission of Jurists published a report by Law in the Service of Man called "Torture and Intimidation in the West Bank - The case of al-Fara'a Prison."

Lombe's Mill

Lombe's Mill was built next to Thomas Cotchett's 1704 mill on the west bank of the River Derwent in Derby.


Mangateparu is a farming service community located close to the west bank of the Piako River, eight kilometres north of Morrinsville in the Waikato region of New Zealand.

Mason-Dixon Trail

The trail then follows the west bank of the Susquehanna south, first to Wrightsville, Pennsylvania, and then to Havre de Grace, Maryland.


Kfar HaOranim, an Israeli settlement in the West Bank also known as Menorah

Minneapolis Post Office

Located on the west bank of the Mississippi River, the facility extends west to east from Hennepin Avenue Bridge to the Third Avenue Bridge and north to south from the West River Parkway on the Grand Rounds Scenic Byway to First Street.

Montgomery Township, Gibson County, Indiana

Something delayed his return with family to claim that land, so he ended up settling on the west bank of Black River near the present site of Owensville.


It is a crowded and peaceful town where is located on the west bank of the Ayeyarwady River.

New Bourbon, Missouri

The colony of Upper Louisiana on the west bank of the Mississippi River was divided into two districts: the Ste.

New Jersey Route 21

Route 21 and County Route 508 head along the west bank of the Passaic River, passing by the New Jersey Performing Arts Center.

Newnham, Cambridgeshire

The early hamlet of Newnham was situated on the west bank of the River Flit, on an island of permanently dry land.

Operation Nordwind

In February, with the assistance of the U.S. XXI Corps, the French 1st Army collapsed the Colmar Pocket and completely cleared the west bank of the Rhine River of German forces in the area south of Strasbourg.

Palestinian hip hop

American filmmaker Jackie Salloum's 2008 feature length documentary Slingshot Hip Hop traces the history and development of Palestinian Hip Hop in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip from the time DAM pioneered the art form in the late 1990s.

Parliament of Jordan

In 1988 King Hussein cut political ties with the West Bank following the Israeli occupation.

Radha Soami Satsang Beas

It had its origins when the saint Bābā Jaimal Singh settled in 1891 near the town of Beās at an isolated rural site, which later came to be called Dera Baba Jaimal Singh, on the west bank of the Beās River in the Punjab region of British India.

Rajpur Sonarpur

Of over a million refugees who entered West Bengal in 1950 alone settled mostly in squatter colonies between Naihati and Sonarpur on the east bank of the Hooghly and between Mogra and Uluberia on the west bank.

Raubsville, Pennsylvania

Raubsville is an census-designated place in Williams Township, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, located along Route 611 on the west bank of the Delaware River.

Routhierville, Quebec

The community of Routhierville is located on the west bank of the Matapédia River along the Canadian National Railway that was originally constructed as the Intercolonial Railway in the 1860s, while its train station was built in 1878.

San Buenaventura, La Paz

San Buenaventura is a little town in northern Bolivia, on the west bank of Beni River, opposite the town Rurrenabaque on the east bank.

San Miguel del Bala

Its nearest neighbour is the Madidi National Park, world famous as one of the places on earth with the widest biodiversity.San Miguel del Bala is south of Rurrenabaque on the west bank of the Beni River.

Tell Balata

Excavations were conducted at Tell Balata by the American Schools of Oriental Research, Drew University, and the McCormick Theological Seminary in 8 seasons between 1956 and 1964 when the West Bank was under the rule of Jordan.


Uitvlugt is a village in Guyana situated on the coastal public road on the west bank of the Demerara River.


Of over a million refugees who entered West Bengal in 1950 alone settled mostly in squatter colonies between Naihati and Sonarpur on the east bank of the Hooghly and between Mogra and Uluberia on the west bank.

West Bank Dock

In 2008, the Stobart Group had received a contract for "the demolition of an unused industrial estate and the clean up of acres of contaminated land at the West Bank Dock Estate in Widnes." from the Northwest Regional Development Agency.

West Lakeland Township, Washington County, Minnesota

It is just north of Interstate 94 and touches the west bank of the St. Croix River.


The broadcast facility is located in the Tallassee Industrial Park on the west bank of the Tallapoosa River.