
unusual facts about Bismuth


Salicylic acid from hydrolysis of the compound is antimicrobial for toxogenic E. coli, an important pathogen in traveler's diarrhea.


Aikinite, sulfide mineral of lead, copper and bismuth with formula PbCuBiS3



BiRaCo stands for the acronym of Bismuth, Radium, and Cobalt.

Claude Geoffroy

Claude François Geoffroy (1729–1753), French chemist, discoverer of the chemical element bismuth

Magnetic separation

In mines where wolframite was mixed with cassiterite, such as South Crofty and East Pool mine in Cornwall or with bismuth such as at the Shepherd and Murphy mine in Moina, Tasmania, magnetic separation was used to separate the ores.


Ununpentium should display eka-bismuth chemical properties and should therefore form a sesquioxide, Uup2O3, and analogous chalcogenides, Uup2S3, Uup2Se3 and Uup2Te3.

Volcanogenic massive sulfide ore deposit

As a class, they represent a significant source of the world's Cu, Zn, Pb, Au, and Ag ores, with Co, Sn, Ba, S, Se, Mn, Cd, In, Bi, Te, Ga and Ge as co- or by-products.

see also