Anuţa Cătună (born October 1, 1968 in Lunca Ilvei, Bistriţa-Năsăud) is a former female long-distance runner from Romania, who represented her native country at two consecutive Summer Olympics, starting in 1996.
In the PlayStation 2 game Shadow Hearts, Bistriţa (where it is spelled "Biztritz") was a major place and home to the role-playing character Keith Valentine.
13 traditional farms with some 90 buildings collected from several transylvanian ethnographical regions: Ţara Moţilor, Ţara Năsăudului, Bistriţa, Câmpia Transilvaniei, Maramureş, Székely Land, Ţara Zarandului, Podgoria Albă, Oaş Country, Gurghiu, Ţara Călatei, Bran
Felicia Ţilea-Moldovan (born 29 September 1967 in Măgura Ilvei, Bistriţa-Năsăud) is a Romanian javelin thrower.
At Bistritz Harker takes a coach to the Borgo Pass where at midnight another coach drawn by four black horses, waits to take him to Castle Dracula high in the Carpathian Mountains.
The population flood from the Mureș corridor (Romanian and Székely) and from the Bistrița Valley took over the existing Romanian population in Tulgheș.