Harker discovers in Carfax Abbey, near Purfleet, Essex, a dwelling which suits the client's requirements and travels to Transylvania by train in order to consult with him about it.
At Bistritz Harker takes a coach to the Borgo Pass where at midnight another coach drawn by four black horses, waits to take him to Castle Dracula high in the Carpathian Mountains.
Jonathan Swift | Jonathan Ross | Goodluck Jonathan | Jonathan Demme | Jonathan Lethem | Jonathan | Jonathan Richman | Jonathan Coulton | Jonathan Safran Foer | Jonathan King | Jonathan Rhys Meyers | Jonathan Zittrain | Jonathan Silverman | Jonathan Nott | Jonathan Kaplan | Jonathan Harris | Jonathan Cain | Jonathan Butler | Jonathan Borofsky | Jonathan Aitken | Mina Harker | Jonathan Wells | Jonathan Tweet | Jonathan Pryce | Jonathan Pearce | Jonathan Dimbleby | Jonathan Blow | Jonathan Wells (intelligent design advocate) | Jonathan Pollard | Jonathan Harr |
"Dracula's Guest" follows an Englishman (whose name is never mentioned but is presumed to be Jonathan Harker) on a visit to Munich before leaving for Transylvania.