The headquarters of the Danish Order of Freemasons are located on "Blegdamsvej" street in Copenhagen's "Østerbro" district, Denmark.
From 1833 to 1843, Købke lived with his parents on Blegdamsvej in Copenhagen in a house close to Sortedam Lake.
When the municipal authorities in Copenhagen sold off a strip of land along "Blegdamsvej" street, previously part of the park Fælledparken, the Danish Order of Freemasons acquired a piece of land.
Together with Ravnsborggade, its continuation to the south, it forms the backbone of a small neighbourhood bounded by The Lakes to the east, Blegdamsvej to the west, Nørrebrogade to the south and Østerbrogade to the north.
Located on Blegdamsvej, between Sankt Hans Torv and the Panum Institute, St. John's remains the largest church in the Nørrebro district.