
unusual facts about Blofeld

Ernst Stavro Blofeld

It is commonly believed that the name Blofeld was inspired by the English cricket commentator Henry Blofeld's father, with whom Fleming went to school.

John Blofeld

Blofeld became a pupil of Hsu Yun but actually received training in Chan (Zen) meditation from Hsu Yun's pupils at a monastery near Kunming, Yunnan.

New Otani

During this time, the building was a filming location for the 1967 James Bond film You Only Live Twice, where it appeared as the headquarters of Osato Chemicals, the Japanese front for Ernst Stavro Blofeld's SPECTRE organization.

Tom Blofeld

The author of three books for children, A Boggle at Bewilderwood (available also in a poetic version), The Bewilderbats, and A Bewildermuddle, Blofeld also runs his family's country estate, Hoveton, located in the village of the same name, and lives in Hoveton House, the manor house of the estate.

The son of Sir John Blofeld, a former High Court judge, and the nephew of Henry Blofeld, the cricket commentator, Tom Blofeld is married to Leslie Felperin, a film critic for Variety magazine, and the father of two children, Rufus John Felperin Blofeld (born June 30, 2007) and Eve Valentine Felperin Blofeld (born September 9, 2008).

see also