
3 unusual facts about Blood type

Felix Bernstein

Felix Bernstein (February 24, 1878, Halle, Germany – December 3, 1956, Zurich, Switzerland) was a German Jewish mathematician known for developing a theorem of the equivalence of sets in 1897, and less well known for demonstrating the correct blood group inheritance pattern of multiple alleles at one locus in 1924 through statistical analysis.

The Descent Part 2

She is taken to a hospital, where it is revealed some of the blood on her is the same type as Juno Kaplan (Natalie Mendoza).

Vampires in Havana

He tells Pepito to have some O positive blood as his last drink, the blood type which vampires consider to be the most delicious.

Jean-Baptiste Denys

It wasn't until after Karl Landsteiner's discovery of the four blood groups in 1902 that blood transfusions became safe and reliable.

Murder of Linda Cook

A number of vaginal, anal, and vulval swabs were taken by the pathologist, and subsequent forensic examination confirmed the presence of semen, from which the blood type of the killer was determined.


The scientists reported that the man, dubbed "Inuk", had A+ blood type, genes suggesting he was adapted to cold weather, had brown eyes, brownish skin, dark hair, and would likely bald later in life.

Ryu Matsumoto

He later apologised and then blamed his behaviour on his Fukuoka background which is well known for frankness and also to his B-blood type, a popular superstition in Japan.

see also


"Blood Type B Girl" is a collaboration between renowned producer C-Luv (who has produced for Rain, MBLAQ and Kim Hyun Joong) and songwriter Stay Tuned.

Blood type diet

The evolutionary theory of blood groups used by D'Adamo stems from work by William C. Boyd, an immunochemist and blood type anthropologist who made a worldwide survey of the distribution of blood groups.

Blood types in Japanese culture

An example can be seen in the film My Boyfriend Is Type B where a girl is advised not to date a man because his blood type is B.

Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff

Working in the Tolima region inhabited by Amerindians and the renowned indigenous leader Quintin Lame, they also published a study indicating the indigenous culture of the local populations and also indicated the blood type variations among the indigenous groups of the Pijao in the Department of Tolima as further proof of their Amerindian identity as these tribes were arguing over rights to their ancestral territories.

Murder of Linda Cook

Blood type – The semen samples taken from Linda's body provided a match with Shirley's blood group, O positive, although this group was shared by 23.3% of the British adult male population.

Norman Orentreich

In celebration of the bicentennial of the United States, the Orentreich foundation was called upon to study hairs belonging to President George Washington to determine the blood type of America's first president.