
unusual facts about Bloodshed


Moore got involved with the music industry when he helped form the hip-hop group Children of the Corn, composed of his childhood friends Cam'ron, Mase, Big L, and Bloodshed.

Arrow on the Doorpost

In this episode, Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) and The Governor (David Morrissey) meet face-to-face, ostensibly to make a peaceful resolution to prevent further bloodshed.

In an attempt to stop further bloodshed, Rick (Andrew Lincoln) meets and negotiates with The Governor (David Morrissey) in a barn, who shows himself to be unarmed but secretly has a pistol taped underneath their table.

Asma al-Assad

On 16 April 2012, Huberta von Voss Wittig and Sheila Lyall Grant, the wives of the German and British ambassadors to the United Nations, released a four-minute video asking Asma al-Assad to stand up for peace and urge her husband to end the bloodshed in her country.

Battle of Resaca

Ambrose Bierce's short story "Killed at Resaca" focuses on a cohort of men who fight and die bravely at Resaca, and the needless bloodshed of war in general.

Bernardino Fernández de Velasco, 6th Duke of Frías

In spite of this, after a great deal of bloodshed, Habsburg Charles VI daughter was Maria Theresa (German: Maria Theresia Walburga Amalia Christina, 13 May 1717 – 29 November 1780), the only female sole ruler of the Habsburg dominions and the last of the House of Habsburg.

Corporate Avenger

In the song 'The Bible is Bullshit' the band claims that the Bible, the Koran, and the Bhagavad Gita are responsible for a large portion of the world's pain, suffering, and bloodshed.

Fort William and Mary

As tensions increased before the American Revolutionary War, Lord North's ministry became concerned that the profusion of arms in New England would lead to bloodshed.

Gaius Fulcinius

Cicero mentioned Gaius Fulcinius in his ninth Philippic, declaring that the reason Fulcinius was honoured was not that he died in bloodshed, but that he died for the Republic.

Gopal Chandra Mukhopadhyay

G.G.Ajmiri, leader of the student's wing of Muslim League along with Mujibur Rahman, a member of the Muslim National Guard and a boxer and strongman himself, requested Gopal to stop the bloodshed.

Julienne Bušić

The group surrendered without bloodshed, but an American policeman was killed and three others injured while attempting to defuse an explosive left behind in a storage locker at Grand Central Terminal.

Massacre of the Sixty

It was considered the sudden death of the hopes that Ethiopia's revolution, barely ten weeks old, could remain bloodless, as epitomised by the slogan "Ityopiya tikdem, yala mimin dem” — “Let Ethiopia progress, without any bloodshed”.

New Orleans Squadron

That same year, USS Enterprise, under Lieutenant Lawrence Kearny, arrived at Galveston and demanded his leave which was done so without bloodshed.

Piet Pieterszoon Hein

After some musket volleys from Dutch sloops the crews of the galleons also surrendered and Hein captured 11,509,524 guilders of booty in gold, silver, and other expensive trade goods, such as indigo and cochineal, without any bloodshed.

Port Phillip Association

Existing British policy (the Nineteen Counties Order) was designed to prevent such settlement, and Batman hoped to convince the colonial and imperial authorities that the association had entered into a scheme for settling the district which would, it was hoped, avoid bloodshed between whites and blacks.

Renaissance Papacy

Pope Julius II become known as "the Warrior Pope" for his use of bloodshed to increase the territory and property of the papacy.

Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano

They ran back together to stop any bloodshed, only to find out that the Legion has already marched up on the Argo II crew, but they manage to escape safely.

Road to the Riches

"Bloodshed(Paint the Town Red) by the Harlem hip hop collective Children of the Corn on its only album, which was released years after the song was created and the group disbanded—Children of the Corn: The Collector's Edition.

The Lord of the Isles

The combatants are dispersed with no bloodshed only by the combined offices of Lord Ronald himself, aided by a visiting Abbot: whereupon Bruce quickly removes himself to first the Island of Sky, and then Ayrshire: raising the an army willing to rout the English and re-establish fight for Scottish independence.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 186

United Nations Security Council Resolution 186, adopted unanimously on March 4, 1964, calling on all Member States to conform to their obligations under the Charter, asked the Government of Cyprus to take all additional measures necessary to stop violence and bloodshed and called on communities in Cyprus and their leaders to act with restraint.

Witch smeller

Witch smellers, almost always women, were important and powerful people amongst the Zulu and other Bantu-speaking peoples of Southern Africa, responsible for rooting out evil witches in the area, and sometimes responsible for considerable bloodshed themselves.

Yan Chongnian

#Wu Sangui, the Ming general who had opened the gates at Shanhai Pass to let 150,000 Manchu soldiers march into China proper, resulting in the annihilation of the Ming Dynasty, should be reevaluated for avoiding the mass bloodshed that may have resulted had he not surrendered.

see also