
5 unusual facts about Bob Ray

Chad Holt

Holt's struggles to remain clean and sober while on probation for the counterfeiting charges is the central topic in the documentary film Total Badass by independent filmmaker Bob Ray.

He is the subject of an independent documentary film, Total Badass, by director Bob Ray about his struggles with drug use and the criminal justice system.

Hillbilly Doomsday

"Hillbilly Doomsday, directed by Bob Ray, and based on a true story, begins as a joke but quickly escalates to an intense thriller as two Texans believe that Y2K has actually occurred and that it is essential for them to procure firearms."

Hillbilly Doomsday is a 2004 movie by director Bob Ray.

Hillbilly Doomsday features Jerry “Toe” Clark of Rock Opera (the movie) fame, Michael Dalmon, and Mark Hanks and is written and directed by Bob Ray.

see also